Kerala ayurveda Indukantham Gritham Capsule
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Kerala ayurveda Indukantham Gritham Capsule
Kerala ayurveda Indukantham Gritham Capsule
Kerala ayurveda Indukantham Gritham Capsule
Kerala ayurveda Indukantham Gritham Capsule

Kerala ayurveda Indukantham Gritham Capsule

₹617.50 ₹650.00
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Puthikaranja (Holoptelea integrifolia) | Devadaru (Cedru deodara) | Bilva (Aegle marmelo)
100 capsules
Pack info
packet of 100 capsules
How Does It Work
Helps in relieving gaseous distension, colic, bloating, flatulence etc. | Indukantha Gritham Capsule helps improve immunity and imparts strength to the body | Pacifies chronic and intermittent fever due to its antipyretic property | Helps lower pain and associated symptoms in degenerative conditions | Indukantha Gritham Capsule is especially beneficial in vata related symptoms of gastro-intestinal tract
Product Information
Kerala ayurveda Indukantham Gritham Capsule Kerala ayurveda Indukantham Gritham Capsule is a poly herbal medicated ghee preparation in a modified capsule form. It contains an ideal combination of herbs, which helps nourish the mucosa of GIT and provides immunity, strength and resistance to the body.
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