Zandu Ayurvedic Feminine Pain Relief Patch
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Zandu Ayurvedic Feminine Pain Relief Patch
Zandu Ayurvedic Feminine Pain Relief Patch
Zandu Ayurvedic Feminine Pain Relief Patch
Zandu Ayurvedic Feminine Pain Relief Patch
Zandu Ayurvedic Feminine Pain Relief Patch

Zandu Ayurvedic Feminine Pain Relief Patch

₹284.05 ₹299.00
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Karpura | Peppermint atva | Eucalpytu oil | Katuvira
5 patches
Pack info
packet of 5 patches
How Does It Work
It is non-smelly, non-messy and can easily be applied without the need for re-application every few hours | This pain patch reduces swelling caused by bruises or injury | It is helpful in the treatment of Rheumatic conditions and also aids in providing temporary relief to strained muscles | It is helpful in the treatment of muscle stiffness, mumps boils and also aids in providing relief in backache
Product Information
Zandu Ayurvedic Feminine Pain Relief Patch Zandu Ayurvedic Feminine Pain Relief Patch has been formulated by combining Ayurvedic ingredients like Peppermint Satva, Boswellia Serrata and Tailaparna Oil/Eucalyptus Oil that can directly work on the affected area to reduce abdominal pain. This transdermal patch is non-smelly, non-messy and can easily be applied without the need for re-application every few hours. Zandu Ayurvedic feminine pain relief patch has no chemicals, parabens and sulphates and has been formulated by combining the virtues of ayurveda with modern science.
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