Nutrolin B Syrup
Loyal Medicals Online
India's Trusted Pharmacy Since 2015
Nutrolin B Syrup
Nutrolin B Syrup
Nutrolin B Syrup
Nutrolin B Syrup

Nutrolin B Syrup

₹61.00 ₹64.35
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60 ml Syrup
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bottle of 60 ml Syrup
Product Information
Nutrolin B Syrup Neutrolin-B Syrup consists of Lactobacillus, Niacinamide, and Pyridoxine. Neutrolin-B Syrup is a preparation that normalizes gut organisms/flora. The excessive use of certain antibiotics will also cause several side effects, with one of the most common being diarrhea. New Nutrolin b plus capsules is quite useful in treating diarrhea caused by antibiotics. Role of Key Ingredients: Niacinaminde :Helps in release of energy & metabolism of Carbohydrates, Fats & Proteins. Sub clinical deficiency manifests as weakness, irritability, burning tongue etc. Lactic acid bacilli : They are beneficial bacteria, which are capable of preventing pathogenic bacterial invasion into the intestinal tract. They help in restoring disturbed balance of intestinal flora to normal after antibiotic treatment and treats diarrhoea. Use under Medical supervision.
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