New Socril Capsule
Loyal Medicals Online
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New Socril Capsule

New Socril Capsule

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Iron, Folic acid, Glycine
10 capsules
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strip of 10 capsules
How Does It Work
Socril capsule helps to treat iron deficiency during pregnancy | Socril capsule helps to produce healthy red blood cells | Socril capsule also helps to develop brain, nerve and skin cells
Product Information
New Socril Capsule New Socril Capsule Socril capsule is a health supplement that contains iron which is an essential element for blood production and plays a vital role in red blood cells formation, folic acid which helps in tissue growth and cell function. Socril capsule works with vitamin B12 and vitamin C to help the body break down, use and create new proteins and help to form red blood cells.
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