Nagarjuna Neelibhrungaadi Keram
Loyal Medicals Online
India's Trusted Pharmacy Since 2015
Nagarjuna Neelibhrungaadi Keram

Nagarjuna Neelibhrungaadi Keram

₹218.50 ₹230.00
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Keratailam | Nili | Bhringaraja | Satakratulata | Dhatriphala | Yahti | Ajakhira | Nalikerakhira | Mahihikhira | Dhenukhira | Anjanam
200 ml Oil
Pack info
bottle of 200 ml Oil
How Does It Work
Made using ayurvedic botanicals with coconut oil as base | Boosts hair growth and promotes a healthy scalp | Moisturizes hair and scalp and prevents dandruff and premature grey hair | Prevents hair fall and relaxes mind and body
Product Information
Nagarjuna Neelibhrungaadi Keram Nagarjuna Neelibhrungaadi Keram is an ayurvedic herbal formulation that ensures healthy scalp and hair. It promotes hair growth and prevents dandruff and premature grey hair. Herbal ingredients also strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair fall.
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