Kottakkal ayurveda Ayush Kwath Churnam
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Kottakkal ayurveda Ayush Kwath Churnam
Kottakkal ayurveda Ayush Kwath Churnam
Kottakkal ayurveda Ayush Kwath Churnam
Kottakkal ayurveda Ayush Kwath Churnam

Kottakkal ayurveda Ayush Kwath Churnam

₹142.50 ₹150.00
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Tuli | Twak | Shunthi | Maricha
100 gm Churna
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bottle of 100 gm Churna
How Does It Work
Kottakkal ayurveda Ayush Kwath Churnam has high dietary fibre content and may inhibit intestinal lipid absorption, whereas the high antioxidant concentration is expected to promote lipid metabolism | It contains Shunthi balances Vata dosha in the body and helps in the treatment of joint pain and reduces Kapha | It also contains Tulsi which is rich in antioxidant that fights free radicals, fights bacterial infections and reduces respiratory issues
Product Information
Kottakkal ayurveda Ayush Kwath Churnam Kottakkal ayurveda Ayush Kwath Churnam contains a high amount of dietary fibre, which may impede intestinal fat absorption, while the high antioxidant content is thought to enhance lipid metabolism. It contains Shunthi, which helps to balance the Vata dosha in the body, as well as relieve joint pain and lower Kapha. It also contains Tulsi, an antioxidant-rich herb that fights free radicals, bacterial infections, and respiratory problems.
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